Install NGT using cli

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Install NGT using cli

Install NGT to Windows VM through CLI

connect to cluster CVM ncli: ncli
list all VM’s to identiefy the vm-uuid: vm list
Enable NGT: ngt enable vm-id=<vm-uuid>
Mount NGT: ngt mount vm-id=<vm-uuid>
Validate this with the following command: ngt list

Connect to VM console
Open command prompt : cmd
Run the following to install NGT : d:\setup.exe /quiet ACCEPTEULA=yes

Run the command to unmount the NGT image on ncli: ngt unmount vm-id=<vm-uuid>

Enable SSR on the VM with the following command: ngt enable-applications vm-id=<vm-uuid> application-names=”file level restore”
Verify NGT: ngt list

Install NGT to Linux VM through CLI

connect to cluster CVM ncli: ncli
list all VM’s to identiefy the vm-uuid: vm list or vm list name=”vm-name”
Enable NGT: ngt enable vm-id=<vm-uuid>
Mount NGT: ngt mount vm-id=<vm-uuid>
Validate this with the following command: ngt list

Connect to VM console
Open command prompt
Mount NGT iso: mount /dev/sr0 /mnt
change directory: cd /mnt/installer/linux
Run the following to install NGT : ./

Run the command to unmount the NGT image on ncli: ngt unmount vm-id=<vm-uuid>

Enable SSR on the VM with the following command: ngt enable-applications vm-id=<vm-uuid> application-names=”file level restore”
Verify NGT: ngt list

Next Setting Up Network interfaces (Network Load-Balancing)
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