Brocade FC Switch config

Connect with GUI using java
javaws http://<ip-address>/switchExplorer_installed.html
javaws https://<ip-address>/switchExplorer_installed.html

Create Alias
alicreate “<alias-name>”,”<WWN>”

Zone Create
zonecreate “<zone-name>”,”<alias-1;alias-2″

Add zone to existing config
cfgadd “<cfg-name>”,”<zone-name>”

Useful commands

admin> sfpshow
Port 1: id (sw) Vendor: BROCADE Serial No: HAF618240000FSD Speed: 4,8,16_Gbps
Port 2: id (sw) Vendor: BROCADE Serial No: HAF318430000DVJ Speed: 4,8,16_Gbps
Port 3: id (sw) Vendor: BROCADE Serial No: HAF618240000257 Speed: 4,8,16_Gbps



Add FC Initiator via CLI for PowerStore

Make sure you download and install the latest pstcli from the Dell Support page!

This will save the credentials local to your pc
pstcli -d <ip-address> -u admin -p <myPassword> -save_cred

This will show current hosts on the system
pstcli -d <ip-address> -header host show

This will add a FC initiator to a specific host using new WWN
pstcli -d <ip-address> -header host -name <hostname> set -add_initiators -port_name <00:00:00:00:00:00> -port_type FC